Hello, after a period of posting the notice, the Recruitment Department of Pha Le Company has received more than 30 recruitment questions in Pha Le.
Below are the most frequently asked questions that we have summarized and answered, hopefully will help you to better understand.
about working at Pha le and being well prepared for future career opportunities. Love!
On the way of building and developing, every success of Pha Le Plastics Manufacturing and Technology Joint Stock Company has been acknowledged by the efforts and dedication of generations of officials and employees. Pha Le always upholds human factors, collective strength through training and appreciation of talent policies. The Pha Le Leadership Board has built a flexible system of human resources policies, adequate remuneration and benefits, fairness and efficiency.

To become an employee of Pha Le(whether internship or formal), you need to meet the following requirements:
- Graduated with the right degree and industry that the position that the applicant requires.
- Good computer (using email, internet, Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.). Depending on the job – specific titles.
- Having a spirit of teamwork.
- Dynamic, good communication.
- Able to solve the problem.
- Depending on the specific position, the company will require some additional specialized skills. For example, the ability to use AutoCAD, production techniques, mining, etc.
To update the latest vacancies in Pha Le, please follow one of the following channels:
- Pha Le official website:
- Pha Le’s official Facebook page: (You can go to the “Recruitment” tab and use the search function of the location you are interested in)
- New positions are updated regularly on these two channels and the posting is available year-round depending on the recruitment needs of the departments inside the Pha Le.
Recruitment objects of Pha Le are quite diverse:
- Graduated from high school
- Graduated Intermediate: all majors, priority engineering (Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Chemistry …), experienced or just graduated.
- Graduated College: All majors, preferably analytical chemistry (Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Mechatronics …), experienced or just graduated.
- Graduated from University: experienced or just graduated.
- Technical field: suitable for the position of Product Development Technician / Chemical Analyst / Product / Productivity / Quality Control / Industrial Management / Labor Safety; Production supervision (production manager); Information technology.
- Economic / financial / humanities / foreign trade sector …: suitable for positions in the production support group such as Finance, Human Resources, Purchasing, Logistics, Sales and Marketing, etc. </ li >
Pha Le currently has 2 manufacturing plants, in Quy Hop – Nghe An and Dinh Vu Economic Zone – Hai Phong. In addition, there are 2 representative offices in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.
Pha Le has recruited new graduates for technical and non-technical positions. Ask the newly graduated students to see more in question 1. When interviewing, you need to show your soft skills through extracurricular activities, work experience (if any) .
Pha Le especially encourages female candidates to apply for technical positions because Pha Le always appreciates the balance of gender and diversity in its workforce. Pha Le is among the best companies for women with children, top of the best companies for equal opportunities for employees.
To apply for positions at Pha Le, please visit the Pha Le’s official website or the Crystal Facebook Group page …………. Click on the location name and apply online at the website as instructed. You must upload your CV during the application, if there is no CV then your application will not be considered. Particularly for the position of Production Technician (KTVSX), Pha Le has one more channel to receive documents to submit directly at the Office or Factory of Hao Phong and Nghe An. In addition, Pha Le regularly participates in recruitment sessions at colleges and universities to receive applications. These recruitment sessions are always widely informed on the Pha Le’s Facebook page and announced right at the school.
The next steps of the Recruitment department after receiving the resume are as follows:
For KTVSX locations:
- Round 1 – Screening: check all the applications received to select those that meet the basic requirements of the job posting.
- Round 2 – Direct interview: those who pass the first round will be invited to face-to-face interviews with the Chief Technology Officer, Plant Management and Human Resources Department. All these activities take place in one session to save you time traveling.
- Those who pass the interview will be notified to work.
For remaining locations:
- Round 1 – Screening: check all the applications received to select those that meet the basic requirements of the job posting.
- Round 2 – Phone interviews: The Recruitment department will directly call those who pass the first round to conduct an interview.
- Round 3 – Interview with the Head of Recruitment: Those who pass the second round will be invited to the company to interview directly with the Head of the job posting area for your position The number of interviews in Round 3 can be more than 1 depending on the position.
- Candidates who have passed the third round will be offered a job invitation from Crystal.
Note: Those who failed to apply in any round can reapply for the next recruitment.
Hai Phong Factory, Nghe An Branch and Hanoi Representative Office, TP. Pha Le’s HCM City is still in the process of expanding production, so every year there is a new demand for recruitment.
Those who apply after 3 months but have not received a contact from Pha Le, may fall into one of the following two cases:
- Profile failed.
- The position is closed, or not yet reopened. If the position posted on the Pha Le website is no longer available, that position is closed.
Dịch covid 19 ảnh hưởng đến nền kinh tế toàn thế giới. Pha Lê là doanh nghiệp sản xuất và xuất khẩu nên không tránh khỏi những khó khăn. Tuy nhiên, hoạt động của doanh nghiệp vẫn được duy trì và người lao động vẫn có công ăn việc làm ổn định. Ngoài ra, đợt dịch Covid BLĐ cũng có những chính sách phúc lợi bổ sung giúp người lao động và gia đình phần nào vượt qua đại dịch như: tặng nhu yếu phẩm cho NLĐ…